💬 Review The Queen of Nothing by Holly Black

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A conclusion to Holly Black' s bestselling series called The Folk of the Air. In this book we are following our main character, Jude, as she tries to put her life back together after the events of the Wicked King.

I liked this book and I absolutely loved the series as a whole. I do think that the Queen of Nothing is a satisfying conclusion to the thrilogy, even though in my opinion this book would have benefitted from being a bit longer.
First of all, Holly Black exceeds in creating the setting. No, seriously, the world-building in this book is *chef's kiss*. I love how dark, twisted and ruthless, but also beautiful is the faerie world that the author has created. There is a lot of politics in the series, and politics are the element that I tend to like in fantasy, so I enjoyed it through and through.
Holly Black writing style is also beautiful and in combination with the excellent world-building and characters it makes this book and the series as a whole a very atmospheric read.
The development of the characters is present as well and watching them grow throughout the series was quite the journey.
As for our protagonist Jude, I love how morally-gray she is with her wits and ruthlessness, and I also liked her realising her inner strength throughout the story, she is the ultimate queen and I love her with my whole heart.
I also liked her relationship with Cardan, who is one of my favorite characters as well, and through I was rooting for them from the start, I'm glad that their relationship in this book has less toxic dynamics. Watching these two finally coming to terms with their feelings for each other and being the ultimate power couple? Beautiful.
Jude's relationships with her family were also a lot of fun to read about. Madoc made a compelling antagonist, but he was also a very complex morally gray character. Jude's sister Vivi was just as amazing in this book as she was in the previous ones, and her other sister, Taryn, managed to pleasantly surprise me as well.
Now a bit about the let-downs: the plot was moving a bit too fast, probably because the book is so short. The ending felt a bit rushed and, in my opinion, things got resolved too quickly. And, through I usually complain about the romance taking over the story, this time the case is the opposite: there wasn't enough scenes for me between the main characters. Some of the minor characters's plotlines, like Nicasia's redemption arc, felt rushed to me as well. As I have said before, this book should have been longer.
I am a bit conflicted about the ending, because, on the one hand, it was satisfying, on the other hand, however, I didn't expect it to be so fluffy and I was anticipating something darker, but I'm not really complaining about what I've got.

Would you recommend this to other users? Overall, this series is one of my favorites, and this book was a satisfying conclusion to it. Even through I did not like it quite as much as the second book, which is my favorite, I enjoyed it and I know that I am going to reread the series at some point in the future.

Rating(1-5): ⭐⭐⭐⭐


Apprentice Lv2️⃣
Member for 6 years
I Totally agree with you.Great ending to a great trilogy even if it felt a little bit rushed towards the end.I recommand this trilogy if you like fae/fantasy settings