💬 Review This Lie Will Kill You

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Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 3 years
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This Lie Will Kill You is a brilliant book, surrounding a murder that happened 12 months ago. The 5 people linked to him have been invited to a mysterious house with the intention of winning a $50k scholarship to their university of choice, except actually, they are there to relive the horrible night of Shane's murder, and find out who's responsible, all whilst dodging the murderous attempts of Shane's heartbroken, traumatised, twin sister.

I am a crazy fan of plot twists, and this book definitely included hundreds of them! It could totally be cinematic content, as it is the perfect storyline to be watched in a cinema or at home on a horror movie night!! As you can imagine, this book is very tense - the whole content of the story takes place in one evening, therefore the book is really fast paced and doesn't slow down till the very end. As the story is told in each of the different characters' perspectives over the different chapters, they become very identifiable and as you learn horrific secrets from each one of them, you quickly find out which ones you like and hate the most.

I like the fact that from about the halfway point, you know who did it even though it isn't confirmed until near the end. There are also many sub-stories surrounding abuse from a child's point of view, and romantic relationships. In addition to it being a thriller story, it is also one of friendship and love.

Would you recommend this to other users? I would 100% recommend this to other users!

Rating(1-5): ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 3 years
I recently came across this the whole content of the story takes place in one evening, therefore the book is really fast paced and doesn't slow down till the very end. As the story is told in each of the different characters' perspectives over the different chapters, they become very identifiable and as you learn horrific secrets from each one of them, you quickly find out which ones you like and hate the most.


Apprentice Lv2️⃣
Member for 3 years
The e-book is super amazing and if you're looking for a book to read which will keep you on edge, I defiantly recommend the book