What do you think of "Harvest Town" in the Play Store?

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Novice Lv1️⃣
Member for 4 years
Do you think it's a Stardew Valley Ripoff? The artstyle between SV and Harvest Town is more similar than the one with Harvest Moon and SV.


eBook Releaser
Member for 6 years
Yeah, I agree with you. Harvest town seems like a watered-down Stardew Valley. The Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons art style is miles and miles away from this game's art style (also HM/SOS use brighter colors, HT is just dull in general😅). If you want to compare these three games, I'd say harvest town is "similar" to SV, except that it's a low-quality version.


Apprentice Lv2️⃣
Member for 5 years
It is a RIP off of Stardew. But it's an alternative for someone out there whose looking to try before getting Stardew. Harvest Town is still lacking in many more departments before they can call themselves a fully fledge game, though they're still under development, so I can't say much. Also it's made under a Chinese company, I don't know where they're going with the microtransactions, but if they are anything like any other games available on the chinese market, global players will deter away from it.