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Baroness Ghost


Savage Lv6️⃣
Member for 5 years
Baroness Ghost

You were a scientist, until your quest to create an indestructible super-soldier had an unexpected side effect! A massive explosion gave you an unexpected power, but also resulted in you being left for dead. Now, you're back, possessing weird new abilities that will help you in getting revenge on all those who let you down.

Ghost Control – You can summon anyone from the land of the dead, and get them to do your bidding!

Now, with the aid of your trusty henchman Grandmaster Flesh and your army of Chuck Norris clones, you bring terror and chaos to the streets of Brisbane!

Baroness Ghost is a female.

She is lightning Shadow nemesis

* Little back story of them both lightning and Baroness were best friends but ever since baroness killed lightnings mother and father he wants to get information why and he will destory anything in his path. He will kill her if he needs too*

*But lightning always bullied Baroness*


Savage Lv6️⃣
Member for 5 years
An army of Chuck Norris clones? :lol: Lightning shadow is so screwed.