Hack Ios Games Using Ida #1

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APK Fanatic Lv5️⃣
Member for 7 years
Hi guys, so what i will be doing is coming out with some tutorials on hacking in my free time :D just something to give back to the community, as I was in this situation once when I was struggling to learn how to hack back in icheats. Without further delay, here is one of many series of tutorials...
Things needed:
-IDA PRO (I am using IDA PRO v. 6.4 demo)
-Hex Editor (HxD in my case)
-Tap Tap Revenge Tour Premium v. 2.0
-Some basic knowledge on ASM/ARM
Now, once all the items are possessed we shall begin our hacking endeavor...
First load up the binary into IDA PRO by simply dragging and dropping the binary into the IDA PRO icon

Next, choose ARM as the processor type for the binary. Click OK and when prompted as to whether or not you want to change it, click OK as well

When the binary is finished loading (in the bottom left, there will be a text saying idle), we can now begin hacking our game

The functions window stores all of the game's functions, such as score, health, etc. In our case, we want to try and hack score, so let us search score by hitting ctrl+f within the functions window to search through the functions

Now that we have found the functions that contain the string score, we must now find the correct function for our actual game score. Scroll down until you see the function -[TTScore setScore:] and double click on it

Now comes the tricky/hard part, we must interpret the code. This is where ASM and ARM are needed for hacking in IDA PRO. For a rough overview, ASM deals with commands such as SUBS, LDR, STR, etc. whereas ARM deals mostly with registers such as R1, R2, R3, etc. In this case we can interpret the code as follows:
MOV R1, #(_OBJC_IVAR_$_TTScore._score - 0x52588) ; int _score;<---Score function is loaded
ADD R1, PC ; int _score;
LDR R1, [R1] ; int _score;<---our score that we have is loaded into R1
STR R2, [R0,R1]<---the new score is stored into the R2 register
BX LR<---ends the score function
What we have here is a generic way of storing certain information, such as setCash, setAmmo, etc. In this case, since our score is stored (STR) in R2, we can make ourselves have a higher score simply by changing the register R2 to a register holding a higher value, in most cases R7.
Highlight the STR R2, [R0,R1] function and then click on Hex-View A

Once we land in the hex view, we can see the hex value of the function STR R2, [R0.R1] which is 42 50. To change the score so we have a maximum value, all we have to do is change the function to a
STR R7, [R0,R1] which has a hex value of 47 52. We can not do this in IDA, but that is where our hex editor comes in handy. Note the hex address in the bottom left of the screen. Now drag and drop the binary file into your hex editor.

Remember the hex address we were supposed to keep note of? Now it is needed. In the hex editor, go to the hex address you kept note of. In HxD, you would go to Search->Goto and then paste the file offset

Now we land in our function, the same one in IDA PRO. Now to hack the game, all we have to do is change 42 50 into 47 50 for maximum score.

Save the file, place it in the TapTapTourPaid.app folder and there you go.
Hope you have enjoyed this simple tutorial, I will try and produce more tutorials in the future so be on the lookout.



Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 2 years
I love the tutorial please make more and is the a way to learn ASM and how do you know how each works
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Also when you are done how do you make the hack into deb file