Outdated releases

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Addicted Lv3️⃣
Member for 6 years
I was hoping that you guys allow outdated releases to be downlodable. Why you say? Im gonna go and say that I don't think creators would be able to update each and every mod apk they make its kind of strained and unrealistic. Now wouldn't it much better to wait for the latest release for quality reasons? Not really i don't know if you guys used a bot to tag certain releases who haven't been updated for a certain amount of time but that kind of doesn't make sense cause what if the said release is just what it is for example app A is 1.0 last year and still is now wouldn't it make sense that whatever mod apk it had will stay the same? But then again you can always wait and wait there's also the retired modders i had a lot of this situations for example with phytoplankton releases and although the COG modders are alot not all of them will get modded because of the number of COGs of course i could just request it again but we'll go back into waiting. It doesn't make sense either way though i dont get why we can't download outdated releases and why even wait if its already there i doubt there isn't much problems to it even technically speaking. Also you guys are fond of making new threads for existing ones, Though this might not make sense but deleting the old threads will probably make searching stuff easier since you get the recent ones instead of getting both old and new which people has to sift through to know which is which anyway i hope you guys consider it

Mark A

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Member for 6 years
Hello, still no answers for this one ?
Good day,

All suggestion threads are noted and listed in a form of a "to-do-list".
We may not reply but reassured we see it.

Some suggestions are hard to implement which is why other suggestions may get implemented first.
We will hold any suggestions in hopes that one day we could implement them effectively in the future. This mentality also applies to dismissed suggestions. It may not be possible at the time but when or if it becomes possible we would love to give the community more "functions".

Kind regards,
Mark A