NSFW/18+ eBook Savage Queen (Oakwood Boys #1) by C.L. Cruz | epub

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Chione Jem

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Chione Jem

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eBook Description:
I grew up watching my mom fight to build a billion-dollar company from the ground up.
Now, I’m set to inherit everything.
I have success, wealth, and all the designer shoes I could ever want.
But what I don’t have is the respect of the other business tycoons.
The Oakwood Boys are a group of elite, old-fashioned chauvinists, and Losev Turgenev is the worst of them all.
He’s high-handed, vulgar, infuriating—and the sexiest man I’ve ever met.
Am I ready to break all the rules, even if it means dancing with the devil?

There’s nothing the old, wealthy families of Oakwood City value more than tradition.
Men are the bread-winners, and women are meant to be seen and not heard.
When Evangeline Rutherford struts into the Oakwood Club, I can’t help but picture her on my arm.
But she isn’t just another pretty face.
She’s stunningly beautiful, smart as a whip, and won’t shut her mouth.
I’ve always been a traditional man.
But maybe to change, what the devil needs is a savage queen by his side.