💬 Review Star Wars The Last Jedi is painfully bad

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Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 5 years
Name of the movie you are reviewing: Star Wars The Last Jedi

A quick review cuz i need 20 sb

The Last Jedi sucks, its a horrible fan fiction from a person that barely understands Star Wars and should be fired on the moment that he said to Luke Skywalker ignore 3PO and got mad when the actor said that he couldnt do that.

Star Wars should be about Sith vs Jedi, not some random normal people shooting stuff.
If i wanted to see normal dudes flying in space, i would watch Star Trek.

I came to see the force dark and light space Wizards, not some dumb head fan fic about his time in the war adapted to take place in space.

The movie also ignores everything that its prequel set up, every major plot point that ever fan was eager to see resolved in this sequel simply in trash.

I cant believe that im writting a review about the movie that ruined the canon of the franchise i love so much to get points and download a mod APK as i cant find one that really works on Google.

So dont watch Star Wars ep 8, even Captain Marvel is a better movie and that movie was plain boring.

The visuals are the only good thing about the movie.

Would you recommend this to other users? f****ng no

Rating(1-5): ⭐