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The Dragon Inside


Addicted Lv3️⃣
Member for 4 years
There is a dragon who lives inside he lurks just beneath the surface waiting to strike as he stalks his prey he carefully makes his presence know with the flash of his fiery breath and the glint of his sharp fangs he waits ever so still till his prey is weak then he strikes and consumes the very living begin of his prey as he feast on there fear and relishes the taste of there blood as it oozes down his throat as the life drains out of his prey he is known by many and feared by all he is a great lord he rules the skies and all the land his scaly hide dark as night the cuts that form on the surface as the crimson blood flows out and stains the clothing there is no pain only relieve freedom a sense of control as you lay there bleeding from the wounds you made you watch your blood soak the sheets and you feel free finally free no more worrying no more stress then you realize after you done that everyone will notice and you become self conscious and that you need to hide your scars and you feel ashamed for you let the beast out as you try to regain control you find it hard it takes a iron will so strong not to let the beast free and just bleed and as you lay there you become the dragons prey.