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Today In Jamie's World 1


Droidstein Lv8️⃣
Verified 18+ user
Member for 5 years
There is a world with only one person. This person has no name because there is no one to acknowledge them. However, we will call them Jamie. That is what they like to call themself most. Jamie lives in a world of illusions. Everything changes based on Jamie's imagination. The people, the place, even Jamie's age and gender can change at their whim.

Today in Jamie's world, Jamie has gotten lost. He can't find his parents, and so many people just pass this poor crying child by. Fortunately, a nice police lady has noticed Jamie. The police lady crouches down to the toddler's level and smiles at him with her kind green eyes, "What's wrong? Are you lost?" Indeed, Jamie is very lost; more than he knows. He snivels, his tiny face scrunches, and his pink cheeks puff. The picture of absolute soul-wrecking adorableness, he stares up with big watery lilac eyes and sobbingly mumbles that he can't find his mom or dad. "Where did you last see them?" asks the police lady glancing around, her golden hair hit by the sun in just the right way to be glaring to toddler Jamie and he screws up his eyes crying harder. The police lady becomes fretful and pats Jamie's soft curled hair, a little surprised it isn't cold as it's almost snowy in coloring. "Calm down, calm down, it's going to be okay. Let's start with introducing ourselves, okay? I'm Janice. What's your name?", she says in a soothing manner. Jamie stutters, "J-J-Jam-Jamie." "Jamie? Okay, Jamie. Everything will be fine. Where did you last see your parents?" Jamie sniffs and points at a convenience store. "There? Then, let's go together and look, okay?" Jamie nods, and Janice the police lady gently takes his hand.
They walk into the convenience store, and Janice speaks to the man at the register. "By any chance have you seen a couple? Their child is lost, we need to find them." "What do they look like, lady?" "Jamie, describe your parents to him please." "Mom-mommy is really pretty. Sh-sh-she has bl-black hair...", Jamie takes a calming breath, "and her eyes are black, too. Daddy's beautiful, but he wants to be called handsome. So, don't say pretty, cute, or beautiful. He has golden hair like the nice lady. His eyes are blue. He's only a little taller than mommy." "Oh! Yeah, I remember that couple. They're both pretty light skinned, though you take the cake, kid. When's the last time you've seen some sun? Anyways, they went to the back. I haven't seen them leave and they haven't paid so just walk toward the back aisle with all the drinks." "Thank you." says police lady Janice smilingly. She and Jamie walk to the back. However, there's no one there. They check the other aisles and the couple just doesn't seem to be in the store at all. Janice frowns and they both head back to the register, "They're not here, are you sure they haven't left?" "Hmm? They're not? That's weird. I would have seen them leave. Why don't we check the cameras?" "That's a great idea." So two becomes three and they all head to security to see the camera recordings.
However, there is no couple of the prior descriptions on the camera, not even one. The man freaks out, "No! They were definitely here! I saw them! Are they ghosts, demons, vampires?! Why don't they show anywhere?!" The man seems both scared and flummoxed. Frowningly, Janice says, "Well, I guess we should all head to the police station and talk about this." "I haven't done anything to them!", the man yells. "I'm not saying you did. We just need to try and get to the bottom of this." So all three, the man particularly complaining all the way, head to the police station. Jamie is left in the waiting room. The police take register man's statement. They check the tapes too, but find no tampering. Everyone is equally confused. After some discussion, Janice returns to Jamie. "Hey there, sweetie. We're having a little trouble, but don't worry. We're looking out for you, nothing bad will happen. I'm going to take you someplace safe, okay?" Jamie looks at her with the kind of trust only a tiny child can give. "Okay." So, they both leave. Janice drives Jamie and even let's him play with the siren a little. As they drive to the mystery destination, Jamie looks out at the blue skies. The blue skies wobble, frightening Jamie. "The sky is falling!", he screams in terror. "What? No, the sky is fine, calm down." says Janice worryingly glancing at Jamie. Jamie takes comfort from the calming of an adult, though he is certain she is wrong. The sky is definitely going to fall. It's just a matter of time, he's sure.
They finally reach the place that turns out to be a children's home. That's a place where the government sometimes sends children. Maybe they have no guardian, or the person caring for them is bad. Whatever the reason, many children end up in places like this. Today, Jamie will be in a place like this. "Everything's going to be okay. Just listen to the adults. Nothing bad will happen.", Janice assures. Though maybe she shouldn't. Maybe no adult should. If bad things will happen, they can't always stop them. It's not nice to tell such lies. But the lies comfort Jamie, and that's the point. Lies are often easier than truth, adults know this most.
Janice leaves Jamie inside and he's quite frightened, but he listens to the kind comforting words of the adults. Soon, he is carefreely playing with the other children. They have such fun! They play cops and robbers, tag, hide and seek, and many other games. Some they even made up with their own rules, children can be quite creative. They tire themselves out, then they're called for dinner. Dinner is good, but Jamie didn't like the green peppers in his sheperd's pie. They go to get ready for bed and fight over who will use the baths first. Jamie wins. They brush their teeth together. An adult reads them a nice bedtime story. Something about a chicken and the sky. Jamie turns in the warm bed he's been given, listening to the breathing of some of the other children who have already fallen asleep. The breathing is comforting to him. He stares out at the darkening sky through a window as his eyes slowly close. The sky shakes a little as he falls asleep...

A person opens their eyes to blurring imagery, nothing seen clearly. They have a feeling things are not well, but it's better to ignore that. They close their eyes. Soon it will be a new day in Jamie's world...