NSFW/18+ eBook A Surrogate Love Affair by Jaimie Roberts

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eBook Description:
I never believed in fate. Destiny was something magical, something written in the stars. I was a world away from having that kind of excitement in my life.

I was alone, praying for a baby, that little miracle I could hold in my arms. My husband fought me at every turn, but I knew I would break him down one day. It was just a matter of time.

In the end, fate took the shape of my best friend and her husband, who were desperate for a baby. Desperate for that miracle, that hope, that joy in their lives. I wanted to give that to them. I wanted them to have the family they were striving for.

With my help, they would finally have everything they ever wanted.

On the day I found out their little miracle was coming, fate intervened again. It would turn my world upside down, shattering my life into a million pieces. It was on that day I realised things were about to become really complicated.

Additional info:

Author: Jaimie Roberts
Format: ePub
Category: Contemporary eBooks, Romance eBooks