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eBook Description:
I don’t use the term “bully” lightly. However, I have no qualms about using it when it comes to Max Cooper.


Those are just a few of the names I have for him that start with the letter A. I haven’t gotten through the rest of the alphabet ... yet.

From the moment I met Max three years ago, he was nothing but an arsehole. The only reason we put up with each other is because we share the same best friend.

Then, everything suddenly changes when Max is involved in a horrific accident that sets him back three years. He remembers his friends, but here’s the real kicker: He doesn’t remember … me.

At first, I think it must be a cruel joke, but then I see how serious he is. Over time, I get to know the real Max Cooper. The one who can be sweet, funny, and kind. The one who shows me he’s not such an arsehole after all.

Then, the inevitable happens. I fall for him.

Just as things between us begin to balance out, I lose my own equilibrium, and I don’t know why.
But, despite all of this, no one is prepared for the real terror that’s about to unfold.

Additional info:

Author: Jaimie Roberts
Format: ePub
Category: Contemporary eBooks, Dark eBooks, Mystery eBooks, Romance eBooks, Suspense eBooks, Thriller eBooks