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eBook Description:
Where do you go when you die? If you guessed "a hellish videogame world where you're forced to fight for your life, solve puzzles, and sustain mortal injury only to be stitched back together to do it again," congratulations! You got it one.
Maybe that sounds kind of bad. But hear me out. Superpowers. Beautiful women at my side, some human and some decidedly not so much. And maybe, just maybe, if I survive long enough, I can find out what comes after the afterlife.
Warning: Aspirant contains violence, cussing, memes, awesome references, cheesy references, and depictions of sexytimes of the normal AND monster girl variety. Beware!
Additional info:
Author: Maxx Whittaker
Format: Mobi
Category: Fiction eBooks, Fantasy eBooks, Gaming eBooks, Sci-Fi eBooks