Ayleegendary introduces herself to Sbenny.com

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Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 1 year
How did you find us? Wasting 3 hours to find a modded apk, I stumble upon this site at my last shot.

Which types of games do you usually play? I play mostly action and shooters. Not much mobile games usually, and I don't like sharing personal details...

Something about me: I'm not very confident or eager to. Especially since I'm forced to muster up 12,000 SB points to get a game I wanted modded. I wanna kill myself. So no, I'm not happy enough to share any private info, and I have a chronic persistent depression syndrome.


Member for 3 years
Nice to meet you @Ayleegendary
I am @Tomerarenai and today, I will be assisting you for getting started with this wonderful community of modders and gamers alike. :)
Now, every community has it's rules, so does this forum, I will therefore advise you to have a look at the Forum Rules so that you know what you can do and what you can't.

It's normal for new users to feel overwhelmed with the various sections and subsections here, so, feel free to check this New Video Guide On Navigating & Using Sbenny.com Features. in order to understand the basics of the forum.

And, if you work on the forum (like releasing a mod/ebook/TV show or recording a showcase), you will earn SB points so that you can purchase your favourite mods, ebooks, movies and TV shows without spending a single coin. Here's 🤑 How to get SB Points at sbenny.com 🤑.

Also, if you're using translators, feel free to have a look at this written guide on Navigating around the forum (typed to help people using translators understand) written by yours truly. ;)

If you want a MOD APK that's not already here, then you can put up an app/ game request, BUT do care to read the Requests Official Rules! before that.

With such a big forum, you are more than likely to meet people who share the same taste, so, I'll recommend you to read these COMMON COURTESY to avoid any misunderstanding with anyone.

Also, if you are new to modding terms, be sure to check out the SBennypedia, here's the link:- 📰 News! 📚📚📚 Sbennypedia has been officially launched! 📚📚📚

And, if you want to learn more about modding, feel free to check out the Android Modding University for guidance from veteran modders.

Also, if you just want to chill and talk to everyone about opinions etc. go over to the Let's Get to Know Eachother section to do so.

Last but not the least, do check out the Clubs/ section, you might find clubs of your interest there.

Wishing you a nice stay on the forum, @Tomerarenai :)