💬 Review bee movie

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Name of the movie you are reviewing: bee movie

Barry B. Benson, a bee just graduated from college, is disillusioned at his lone career choice: making honey. On a special trip outside the hive, Barry's life is saved by Vanessa, a florist in New York City. As their relationship blossoms, he discovers humans actually eat honey, and subsequently decides to sue them.

The "Citizen Kane" of bug movies. My only regret in life is that I cant see this movie for the first time again, and yet upon each re-viewing I find myself peeling back more and more of the metaphysical layers to this enthralling epic of tragedy and redemption.

Jerry Seinfeld delivers an Oscar worthy performance as Barry B. Benson, local hive schlub and opportunistic apis mellifera, he aims to please both his personal needs for love, passion and adventure, as well as his parents wishes for stability and success. The results can bee bittersweet, and downright hilarious at times, and ultimately enriches the audience with its tantalizing charm and wit.

As far as political agendas go, "Bee Movie" dares to not shy away from allusions of eco-fascism and the socialist working class struggle, and faces the globalist honey collecting hordes head on through judicious and peaceful means. The political influence derived, serves as a peek into a Beewellian realm, governed by a beenevolent dictator aiming to seize the rights of honey distribution worldwide, yet maintains a clear social hierarchy, both in hive and out. Fascinating audiences worldwide, "Bee Movie" is nothing less of a manifesto, and a warning of what to bee prepared for in a hypothetical future. As far as I'm concerned, I welcome the thousand year hive with open arms, and think we'd all bee better off sticking one to big honey.Bee Movie is utterly amazing. It's like a sequel to a movie no one has ever seen, but maybe someday we can get the prequel it deserves in "A-Movie." Why is it so great though?

Jerry Seinfeld, first of all.

When you have a comedic genius like that working on your film, how can it not be a true work of art? On top of that, he lends his iconic voice to the main character, Barry B. Benson.

Secondly, the puns. You could argue this is a result of Seinfeld, but I say it's because of the subject matter. Either way, the puns just keep rolling throughout the film. My personal favorite has to be the quip Barry makes about getting a perfect report card; straight B's.

Finally, the plot. I was not expecting such a deep plot from a movie about bees, but it actually turns into a case of civil rights as the bees discover that humans use them for their products, and the humans discover that the bees are actually sentient. Leave it to Seinfeld to take what should be the mundane and warp it into something far more interesting and introspective. I would recommend this movie to most anyone, except the staunchest of pun-haters.

Would you recommend this to other users? absolutely. this cinematic masterpiece can take my money any time of the day. I loved all of its puns and I thought it's plot was very well played out. one of the best movies I've ever seen by far.

Rating(1-5): ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐