💬 Review Captain Marvel

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Name of the movie you are reviewing: Captain Marvel

The movie captain marvel was made by, you guessed it: marvel studios.
It's one of many movies that together form a chain to you can hold on to, to understand the marvel universe.

Integral to the MCU, and a must-see for Marvel and sci-fi fans in particular; and comic book and cinemagoers in general; especially those who lived through the 90s. Performances are great, the whole cast is exceptional, and the hero characters are great role models. Larson killed it as Carol and the titular hero, and I can't wait to see more of her in the MCU. The movie's so much fun. Direction, cinematography, filmscore, action, humor, emotion, vfx, editing were all great. There're hilarious moments as well as emotional, powerful, and empowering ones too. The movie's full of surprises and unexpicted twists, and carries important messages. There're a Stan Lee tribute, his signature cameo, a significant mid-credits scene, and a less significant post-credits one, but you should see it. Absolutely worth a second viewing. Go see Captain Marvel as soon as you can! You'll most definitely realize that once isn't enough!

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