💬 Review Chemical Hearts

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Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 3 years
Name of the movie you are reviewing: Chemical Hearts

Henry Page is 17 and has never fallen in love. Paradoxically, the fault lies with his incurable romanticism: Henry has always been so clinging to the dream of the Great Love that he has not left room for the crushes that have electrified the lives of his friends for years.

This is the story of a friendship, of falling in love and of a seventeen year old boy who feels butterflies in his stomach for the first time. A sweet and simple boy who finds himself coming to terms with love and Grace, the greatest mystery that has ever happened to her.
The central pivot is precisely love and its meaning. The love that envelops and upsets Henry's life to the point of making it sometimes beautiful but at the same time difficult.
I found this film very evocative.
The style was very simple and straightforward. It fits the brain of a self-conscious 17-year-old male dealing with first love.
I admit that initially I found this film vaguely similar to John Green's City of Paper for the style and characters (Grace reminded me a lot of Margot and Henry, instead, Quentin) initially very similar to those used by Green.
As I went on I found that it was a long way from what I had actually thought.
I found some true and meaningful scenes. Sweet and heartbreaking. There is some truth in some of the sentences narrated. I found them simple and strong.
The film was absolutely beautiful, so much so that it left me with a veiled halo of sadness and melancholy. As if something inside me broke forever. I wanted to start it all over again.
If I had to define it with just two words: Engaging and unique.
Engaging because it does not let you go. Unique because you cannot lose it.

Would you recommend this to other users? I recommend this film because it is very compelling, sweet and at the same time melancholy. It makes you understand the importance of life, friendships and helping others.

Rating(1-5): ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐