NSFW/18+ eBook Cherry Blossom Girls series by Harmon Cooper

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Name of this eBook: Cherry Blossom Girls series by Harmon Cooper


eBook Description:
Cherry Blossom Girls #1
I was a just normal guy until the night the cherry blossoms bloomed, the night that Grace appeared on my doorstep. A failed sci-fi writer, a gamer, but a normal guy nonetheless.
Grace was everything I was not, a psychic shifter, beautiful beyond my wildest imagination, a government conspiracy waiting to be unraveled.
And that was before the second superpowered woman showed up to kill us both.

Warning: Cherry Blossom Girls contains a harem; gamelit LitRPG humor/stats; violence; telepathic, shifter, and vampiric superpowers used for auto theft, mind games, and the exploitation of the general public. This series was inspired by The Tick, Stranger Things, Vonnegut's Breakfast of Champions, and the anime Elfen Lied.

Cherry Blossom Girls #2
Success beyond my wildest dreams? Too bad I wasn’t able to fully enjoy it.
No time to sit back and watch the fame roll in when you’re being hunted by superpowereds and a private military force.
Still, everything was going according to plan.
Grace, Veronique, and I were headed south. Our target? The secret government facilities scattered across the country. The second installment of Mutants in the Making was nearing completion, ready to be published any day now.
Things were tense, but all was well.
I wish they would have stayed that way ...

Cherry Blossom Girls #3
Gideon here, sci-fi writer extraordinaire and narrator of this bizarre tale.
Nothing is all fun and games in my wild and crazy world, but you probably know this by now.
Every time I think I've finally gotten a handle on things, something new comes up that throws a wrench in my plans.
That wrench could be the sudden death of a newfound friend; or an encounter with a band of powerful young Supers; or the moment the Cherry Blossom Girls and I are on the cusp of greatness, only to get broadsided by darkness.
The death, the anguish, the intensity. The good times, the camaraderie, the conspiracy.
This is my story, my triumphant saga, and it’s one you won't soon forget...

Cherry Blossom Girls #4
Cherry Blossom Boy...
Sounds dumb, right? But then again, this whole story has definitely come out of left field, and that was before the media got involved.
If you guessed I’d be painted as a terrorist, framed by my own government, and my newfound infamy would lead to even more books sold and more enemies made, you’d be right.
With my novels flying off the shelves, my story spreading across America, and the Cherry Blossom Girls finally working as a team, I should have been pretty much set. And I would be happily living my life if it weren’t for the fact that we were being hunted, threatened at every turn we make.
But I got an angle this time, something that should level the playing field.
All I can say is that it’s been a long time coming...

Cherry Blossom Girls #5
Half of America hates me, and the other half wants me dead. Regardless, I’ve decided to turn a new leaf.
Good guy Writer Gideon? Something like that. But with great power comes great responsibility, and with great power and killer women all around me…
Well, I don’t really know a quote for that one. Point is: the Cherry Blossom Girls are changing things up. We’re dressed to kill, pumped and primed, ready to spring into action at a moment’s notice.
And sure, Mother and Angel are up to no good again, and there’s the fact that the American media has painted me as a terrorist, but that’s the least of our concerns.
Let me be the first to introduce you to a terrible man named Smiley…

Cherry Blossom Girls #6
It’s time for the Cherry Blossom Girls to become who we’re meant to be. Solving murders? Taking on famous Hollywood actresses who have gone rogue? Exposing a terrible government program to the masses?
Comes with the territory.
One more mutant facility to destroy and we can set our sights on bigger things and faraway places. But it isn’t going to be that easy, and there are other factors at play, risks we’re going to have to take if we want to expose the truth.
I just hope I’m ready to live up to the hype when the time comes.

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