Donations added! is trusted by 1,329,807 happy users since 2014.


A crazy scientist
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SB Mod Squad ⭐
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We succesfully introduced the "Donate" button. It is located (in our Main Theme) at the top of the forum. You will also notice a progression bar at the bottom of our Board Index, growing any time we will receive a Donation!

If you are on another theme, you can reach the Donation page by clicking HERE.

By donating any amount of money, you will receive the "DONOR" rank:
. We will give you also the possibility to change your Username (1 time only) and to stylize it! To receive the DONOR rank, please let us know via PM you sent a Donation and we will give you the rank and add your name into Donors list.
Credits to ImanHacker for the images and layout idea.

A BIG thank you to all you guys for supporting our website, helping our community and making a unique place!