Dungeons & Dragons players?

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Novice Lv1️⃣
Member for 4 years

Thought I'd break the ice with my most recent obsession. Anyone else here play DnD? I'm in three games at the moment, recently down from four and soon to be two if we play our cards right!

These are my characters at the moment
Mackenzie - Tiefling Fighter lv5 - Waterdeep: Dragon Heist
Leukai - Sea Elf Bard lv5 - Lost Mines of Phandelver
Y'llen - Drow Death Cleric lv7 - Baldurs Gate: Descent Into Avernus

What characters do you all have? If you don't play, what would you most like to try?


?Freelance ? Writer ?
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Member for 6 years
Right now I have a Wood elf Ranger-Rogue at level 18. I have ten levels in Ranger and 8 in Rogue. I've been playing as this character for almost a year now lol. Her name is Casryth :D and she's from a campaign my DM threw together.


APK Fanatic Lv5️⃣
Active User
Member for 5 years
i want to play DnD, but my current work schedule is far too hectic and i feel i'd be a burden on my group.


Novice Lv1️⃣
Member for 4 years
Right now I have a Wood elf Ranger-Rogue at level 18. I have ten levels in Ranger and 8 in Rogue. I've been playing as this character for almost a year now lol. Her name is Casryth :D and she's from a campaign my DM threw together.
Wow! That's impressive. most of my campaigns have been lv1-5 so my lv7 is currently the highest level character i've ever played. Hoping to keep going with him for a while though!


Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 4 years
I've been looking into DnD threads and going through the list so this is a month late reply
I finished my first full campaign about a year ago and my friends and I are almost ready to start the next campaign. We've been existing solely on one shots as the DM finishes creating his world
My girl for that one completed campaign was
Bell: Half-Elf War Cleric who is the reluctant mom friend ft. Tragic backstory Lv.8
And my most favorite One shot character is
Eddie: A Tabaxi rogue with a motor mouth and no self preservation skills Lv.1
I love both of them so much and can't wait for the next campaign I'm so excited!