ebooks request

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Veteran Lv7️⃣
Member for 1 year
The ebook status should be straightforward, so we can see if they're solved or not, like this:


I encounter this request with a different sign, and after took time to look for it, and write a thread, it wasn't at the end of all the effort knowing the request was solved some time ago:


The quick search from the request subforum doesn't allowed to know if the book it's in the subforum of released ebooks, another example of a quest were the same thing happened to me, i edited numbers in all images to show my point 1 being the first and 3 the last:


I think taking care of this detail with all the various request that already are solved could help for not only members who want to help, but for staff doesn't have to repeat themselves in the direct messages inbox telling us it was already solved, when in the forum it's not clear.


Master of The Force
Verified 18+ user
Member for 6 years
Thank you for your suggestion @nomevisss. As much as we'd like to have this done, some resolved requests slip through the cracks. If a member solves the request by just adding the new link in the comments section (and doesn't ask for the reward or let a Staff member know) we don't know that the request was filled. We do our very best to periodically check the eBook AND game requests sections, as it sometimes happens there too.

We appreciate you bringing this to our attention and we will make note of it and take better care so hopefully it doesn't happen as often.

Kind regards,