💬 Review Encanto by lovelycarno1

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Name of the movie you are reviewing: Encanto

Encanto is a fun, lighthearted, but also serious movie about a girl growing up in a magical Dominican family. She was born without powers. When the family is faced with the problem of losing their only home, Mirabel takes matters into her own hands.

I loved this movie! At first, I was reluctant to watch it since my little sister wouldn't stop playing the soundtrack. Especially we don't talk about Bruno! I put off watching it for weeks until my friend recommended it to me. I watched it, and I related to it so much. Although it was a children's movie, I felt that adults could relate to it as well. Mirabel was constantly pressured by her abuela, Jessica felt like she had the world on her shoulders, and Isabella was always supposed to be perfect. Throughout the movie, I felt several emotions. I even cried a bit, which I didn't think was going to happen! It was beautiful seeing each individual in the family overcoming their fears, and Mirabel saving not only the family, but her relationship with her sister and abuela as well. This movie was also created by the man who wrote for Hamilton! (Which is also a great musical by the way). It was created so well that I would definitely rewatch, and I don't do that often. Another thing I loved was the songs. It wasn't just songs, but each character sang about a problem. These problems left cracks in the home, that only Mirabel could see. And although Mirabel didn't have powers, I firmly believe that her "power" was bring the family and their cracks together. Piece by piece. Teaming up with Bruno brought stability back into the home. I still believe that Bruno was mistreated though! 😂
The sum this all up, give it a try. It's been a while so although I understand that it might annoy some people, the story is true gold!

Would you recommend this to other users? Definitely! If you're feeling reluctant like I was, I understand. If you feel like you won't relate to it because it's a children's movie, don't. Sometimes if you give things a try it might just be worth it!

Rating(1-5): ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐