💬 Review Five feet apart

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Name of the movie you are reviewing: Five feet apart

A dramatic movie about two sick teenagers that fall in love but due to their illness need to stay five feet apart

Honestly i found it a great movie.The actors did an exceptional job exspecially Cole Sprouse as Will. Basically the movie is about two teenagers Stella and Will that both have a long disease and live their life in the hospital to get treatment. Will has the most aggressive type of the disease so to not infect Stella he has to stay at least five feet apart from her. At the beginning they don't get along and don't see things eye to eyes but with the time passing Stella convinces Will to let her help him with his treatmeant and little by little they fall in love. They go on a date in the ospitalità pool and walk with a pool stick between them so they stay the right distance from one another. When her best friend dies Stella is clearly upset so her and Will go out on a snowy heel to see the city lights. They go on the ice but stella falls in it so in order to save her Will has to do a mouth to mouth inspiration risking to pass her the desase. At the end Stella gets a lung transplant and Will says goodbye to her and leaves. Honestly a sad ending i like to imagine that once she recoverd she got out and found him. Anyway this movie vita diffrently in 2020 with all the social distancing. Worth to watch at least once.

Would you recommend this to other users? Yes if u want to cry 😂

Rating(1-5): ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐