💬 Review Geekerella by Ashley Poston

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Elle Wittimer lives and breathes for Starfield, it was one of the only things she and her late father had the opportunity to bond over before his passing. When she sees there is a cosplay contest for the new Starfield movie, she can't help but jump on the opportunity. The grand prize? Well, that is an invitation to the Cosplay Ball, and a meet and greet with the infuriating actor who plays her Dream, Prince.

Before he was famous, Darien Freeman used to live for going to conventions. He was the textbook comic book nerd. When the chance to play Federation Prince Carmindor came up, he thought that he would finally have the chance to play a role he could love and relate to. But this role was nothing like he expected. The Reboot of his favorite show was simply too different from his beloved show. It all becomes too much and he feels like an imposter in his own life until he meets a mysterious woman who makes him question if he's really an imposter, or just trapped.

Geekerella by Amy Poston manages to embody all of the hopes and dreams I had as a young lover of Sci-fi. It's one of those stories that remind you to have hope when things seem unlikely. It shows you that it is possible to dream when all you seem to have are nightmares.

The book follows a young girl, Elle, who lives with her stepmother and two "evil" stepsisters. Her only escape is when she has a moment to cling to an old Sci-fi television show called Starfield that her parents used to watch. Her parents were even brought together by their love of the show.

When it is announced that they will be turning her favorite show into a movie, she is ecstatic. She had been drawn to the main character nearly all her life and was anxious to see him come to life on the big screen. However, when she finds out that the lead role will be played by a teenage soap opera star, Darien, her excitement for the new movie begins to fade. She retreats to her blog to divulge all of her opinions and thoughts about him as the new captain on Starfield.

After the announcement, Elle plans to enter a cosplay costume contest at a Sci-fi convention (founded by her late father) without the knowledge of her stepmother. The grand prize is free tickets to Los Angeles and passes to another event. She plans to stay out there after the event and sees this as her one and only chance at escaping the grasp of her stepmother.

In secret, Elle and Darien begin communicating with each other, without an idea of who the other is. Will she be able to overcome her aversion to him playing her beloved "Comindor"? Will he be able to get past all of the terrible things she said about him on her blog? Will they ever find out that they have been communicating with each other as pen pals all along?

These were all questions I had as I began reading this book, and they were all answered and left me still wanting more. Amy Poston does a wonderful job of creating wonderfully relatable characters that make you want to laugh and cry and just feel everything that they are feeling in the moment. It's very hard to find that kind of connection with characters, and I can honestly say that I have found that with each and every one of her books.

I also found myself wondering if there was going to be another book in this series, or if she would write something else that's a retelling of another fairy tale. A great Author always leaves you wanting and waiting for more.

Would you recommend this to other users? I would DEFINITELY recommend this book to any young adult readers, as well as anyone looking for a good, clean, feel-good romance story. It's a great story with relatable characters, and the delightfully simple touch of sci-fi makes it so warm and inviting to other Trekkies like myself. It was the perfect blend of both worlds.

Rating(1-5): ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Azura Shadow

Member for 5 years
Seems like a pretty awesome retelling of Cinderella with a twist 😉 good stuff!