💬 Review Genshin Impact

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Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 2 years
Name of the app you are reviewing: Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact is an open-world RPG by MiHoYo. It includes a wide variety of characters and an advanced plot.

In Genshin the main plot is to find your lost sister/brother. You meet other adventures on your journey to fight along your side. As well as having a great storyline the battles and action are also pleasing. They have interesting events and lots of places to explore. They also have to the strategic side of how to build your characters to be the strongest they can be. All characters start at level 1 but as you level them up and get them better equipment they will become stronger. Each character has to ascend once they get to a certain level to become stronger. Your Adventure Rank determines how strong your enemies are so you don't get overwhelmed and will be able to fight them. Each character has its own element, like cryo, pyro, electro, dendro. There are islands and areas for each element. The place you go to in the beginning is Mondstat the city of the Wind. Liyue the geo city, Dragonspine the ice mountains. This game has a wide variety of characters and enemies, this game has something for everybody. The gacha system makes sure that you have to get one of the best 5-star items every 90 pulls no matter what. This game gives of Breathe Of The Wild feels.




Would you recommend this to other users? Yes, I would recommend this to other users.

Rating (1-5): ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐