💬 Review Irreversible (2002)

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Name of the movie you are reviewing: Irreversible (2002)

A woman's (Monica Bellucci) lover (Vincent Cassel) and her former boyfriend (Albert Dupontel) take justice into their own hands after she becomes the victim of a rapist.

Irreversible (2002)

(Warning. A bit graphic)

Okay. Now, this is a very headache-inducing film.

If you don't know the movie irreversible, you'd probably not want to know this.

It actually featured a 15 minute rape scene. That's right. In one take. No cuts, no change in camera. Just straight up disturbing. (This is not a spoiler, it's in the plot)

Literally most of the film is just the camera spinning. It will (and I assure you) give you a headache. Although it will give you a headache, I can't deny that it's weirdly good.

The movie felt like you're riding a rollercoaster because of all the flips and spins it have.

The freakin rape scene though. I found myself just muttering "please stop."

There are much more stuff to say about the visuals displayed, like the 'fire extinguisher' part. You'll know why.

It's actually not that violent if you remove those two scenes. If you can take those two, then you can finish it just fine.

But the camera work, can be good. Set aside the headache, it's good.

I think most camera work here is hand held, so expect shakiness. Lots of it.

Okay. Now this is actually pretty smart. They went and done a usual revenge (kind of) story and set it in a reverse order. So it's basically from the end of the day to the start of it.

At first, you'll be confused as to what's happening (if you've not searched the plot in google, like me) but it'll make sense as it goes on.

It's pretty much a revenge movie but it's really disorienting.


Okay. This is another infamous issue that came up. The freaking music. It's really paranoia inducing. They actually went and put a 28 Hertz sound for atleast 22 minutes at the start, it's harmful to us because it induces paranoia.

Although, the music blends with the mood of the film. It's really weird how when you realize what's happening, it's too late.

Would you recommend this to other users? This movie is not for me. So nah.

If you're wondering about all that 'headache inducing camera work' then watch it for yourself, and see.

Still, give it a go, give your own consensus because everybody may feel differently against this film.

Rating(1-5): ⭐⭐⭐