✅ Solved Is there any iOS version of the sbenny app?

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Trilly Reign

Creator Of TrillyMods
Member for 6 years
I do not believe so. I'm not 100% sure why there isn't one, but I have a pretty good guess...

I believe iOS still requires you to have a Mac service to develop apps. It also requires you to know Swift, which is only used for iOS. With these two variables, along with some other smaller ones, it's much harder to make an iOS app, unless you essentially "grew up" on Apple.

Where as Android uses Java & Kotlin for its apps. Both of these are very widely used on a wide array of devices, so much more people know them, as well as, can use them.


Hunter of Sbennytopia
From the Hell
Verified 18+ user
The Cleaner 🧹
Member for 3 years
No the Sbenny app isn't available for IOS because i think the forum is mainly dedicated to android and the popularity for IOS is less here. does this answer your question ?
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