💬 Review Josee, the Tiger and the Fish

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Malice Galaxius

APK Fanatic Lv5️⃣
Member for 3 years
Name of the movie you are reviewing: Josee, the Tiger and the Fish

Josee, a disabled girl who loves to draw and longs for the sea. She will then meet this boy named, Tsuneo. Watch as these two fish nerds learn the hardships of life and finally decided to be lovers.

Josee, the Tiger and the Fish begins with a nice transition of backgrounds and characters that is pleasing to the eye. It's nothing but a nice, sweet slice of life, drama and romance kind of style movie based from the light novel itself.

Josee's grandma acts like Gothel in Rapunzel where she brainwashes Josee to thinking the world is scary (I might agree but that's just straight up lies when she tells her that the world is full of beast.) after one bad thing that happened. It makes me understand why she's so ungrateful when Tsuneo LITERALLY SAVES HER!

I have no problem with the story but I just can't turn a blind eye on how many times Josee fell on her wheelchair and catapulted straight to the ground headfirst and not have concussions already or possibly, I don't know... a broken face.

Spoiler alert!

At least give her a nosebleed and still keep it a child friendly movie because then I would've believed that when Tsuneo gets into a car accident, he has truly broke his leg. I cannot be convinced otherwise because I lost count of how many times Josee has fallen and it looked so much painful when she did. (At this rate, her grandma has a point.)

The animation is so smooth and the story gets you deeply sucked into it and it gives you the subtle idea of how realism treats people. I spent 75 percent watching fish swim and diving in this movie. It's just so divine to look at!

After watching this movie, you can't be helped but learn fish names and be inspired to try diving but I wish they give more screen time to Hayato Matsura. He makes the story a comedy and would've made it more interesting.

Would you recommend this to other users? Josee, the Tiger and the Fish is an excellent anime movie for those who love watching some slice of life or when you're a marine fan or just love watching movies with great animation and story. Don't worry, this has no blood warning and it's perfectly suitable for kids. ;)

Rating(1-5): ⭐⭐⭐