💬 Review Krrish

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Name of the movie you are reviewing: Krrish

So, krrish is a romance and action film which was released on June 23, 2006. It is a sequence of Koi... Mil Gaya. The director of the movie is Rakesh Roshan.

So guys, krrish is a phenomenal movie which was released on June 23, 2006. Rakesh Roshan is the director of the film. This film is sequence / generation of Koi... Mil Gaya. The protagonist of the movie is Hrithik Roshan.
So, at the starting we see that krrishna was racing with a horse, its his horse ofc. So, his grand mother scold him for not using the powers again. Thinking how he got powers?....let me tell....his father is Rohit, who was the protagonist of the movie "Koi... Mil Gaya". So as you guys know that his father got powers from the alien he met, who's name was Jadu. His father is dead. So as his father consists of power, from the gene his son Krishna also consists of powers!
So, he saw a women who's name is Priya. He fell in love with her. So he met with her and she also falled in love, so she said, if u want to marry me come meet me in Singapore. He said i will try my best. So talked with his grand mother, his grand mother refused. So he shouted to his grand mother and said, you never let me go anywhere!...he's grand mother cried alot!....Then, it was morning, he's grand mother was packing his clothes and said, Dear u can go!...he was so happy!...he said sorry to his grand mother. His grand mother said him one really important thing, and that was, dont try to show the world that you are consists of powers, you must not show them!...he said i promise i wont show!
Then, he finally reached there, his girlfriend was waiting for him, and they finally met with each other. Then, she actually knows that he was consists of powers!....she wanted to show the world that her boyfriend has powers!. . But he refused and said no!...i dont have any powers, these are my skill. And 1 day he and she went to a circus and enjoyed and bcz of fire playing, the tent caught fire!...everybody was frightened and some children were inside it!....then he decided to save them not by showing face, but a black mask and a black long hoodie with a long black pant!....he rescued them and finally everybody thanked him. And the reporters asked a girl...who was he?...she said i dont know but i got a part of his mask.
Then, priya saw the footage of what happened and saw that krishna is actually Krrish!.. .. And a villain is ofc there in every movie! So, here is a old man as a villain who actually cauht Rohit ( krishna's father )...i know i said that his father is dead but no, this is the twist of the movie. The villain actually wanted his father's powers. So Krishna do his best to find where the villain trapped his father. And atlast he finally finds the spot. He beats him and his guards!
At last while returning to his own country, he brings Priya and surprises his grand mother with Krishna's Dad ( Rohit ). Bcz his grand mother knows that her son is dead. After seeing Rohit she cried a lot!.. And finally happy ending Rohit with his mothet and his son Krishna and priya ( Krishna's wife )

Would you recommend this to other users? Best movie and this must required to watch the series:
1. Koi... Mil Gaya
3. Krrish 3 ( i will review it soon )

Rating(1-5): ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐