📖 Tutorial LuckyPatcher - How to Setup and Use [Jan 2019]

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Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 5 years
LP is way behind the times nowadays. With a combination of a patched AdGuard Pro and - the immeasurably superior - Jasi Patcher I've seen no ads and I've got free in-game content for all but one app that I've patched (and that's likely a server-side issue not handled by the basic side of JP and beyond the scope of what I've explored).

I've had no end of problems with LP lately, from changing the proxy to being 'always on' causing Play Store issues, having to jump through hoops just patching one item at a time, not remembering 'purchases', to failing to replace the original Play Store resulting in needing a OS dirty install to fix.

JS does the same function by just tapping 'Emulation', selecting the apps to patch, and you're done - the in-game store is patched out for only those apps. No need to replace the Play Store or do each app one at a time - and that's just using what's essentially the Idiot-proof way. There's far more advanced functionality available but I've never had a need for it...


Novice Lv1️⃣
Member for 4 years