💬 Review Magic Slays

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Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 4 years
Name of the eBook you are reviewing: Magic Slays

Urban fantasy series based in Atlanta 🤩🤩. Extremely witty and sarcastic and fun.

The book is one of the best books in any urban fantasy series ever!! Perfect combination of sarcasm and humour....
Extremely relatable characters and bomb story line. All essences of the story are to love and I've never read another book like this🤩🤩 loveee Curran and Kate 🤩🤩
Can't wait to finish the series!! Highly recommended, will definitely not be disappointed, guaranteed 😎😎

Would you recommend this to other users? Higly highly recommended to urban fantasy and paranormal romance readers who love a lot of sarcasm and humor with a very engaging story line🤩

Rating(1-5): ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 2 years
I love this series as well, the world building is fantastic and the characters compelling. I really enjoy the mixing of magic and tech and the way the setting is life in a modern world where magic came back. I like the other work by the author as well, I don't even really have a preference for which series gets a new book because I love them all. lol.