Minor suggestion to include Android info.

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In Love Lv4️⃣
Member for 6 years
Bought a Mod that didn't work on my phone because my phone is 8.1.0 and the mod was for more reason systems. I've also had some problems with other mods. The Mod in question doesn't specifically say what system the mod was made on but does mention issues on Android 11. I know it might be a bit invasive to ask modders to put all of their phone specs down after doing the kindness but if they could confirm what version a mod runs on like "confirmed working on Android 10" it could help for people with a lower system to know it might not work on their system. And if someone with android 8 (like me) tries it and it works that could be added and if not we could mention it in the thread to help others know if the app might work on their system and if they get an error it might be unrelated to the system could just be not enough space or an opengl issue.


Member for 3 years
There's not usually a problem like "it doesn't work because it's an old android", i think the problem with yours is that your device is 32 bit and the mod is for 64 bit devices. But at this point it's just speculation, the author of the mod will help you better, so try replying to his mod thread