Most annoying/hard mission in game is trusted by 1,331,289 happy users since 2014.


Savage Lv6️⃣
Member for 5 years
Hi everyone I decided to do this today

You have to comment or describe the game and the most annoying mission , hard, triggering that you have or really don't like so example :

I hate the mission where you have to fight the end in metal gear solid 3

Make sure to comment the name of the game and the mission if you don't know what's the mission called or what level it is then just try your best to describe it


A crazy scientist
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To me, the hardest one (because I suck as pilot) was a mission in Grand Theft Auto San Andreas in which you, after moving to another location I can't remember the name of, had to pilot your plane thru some rings and do some acrobatics which I repedeatly failed at. I think that's the reason I got stuck in that game, and I was so close from the end :lol:

And no, there was no cheat to bypass that mission LOL


☠ Dark Lord ☠
Member for 8 years
there's this game vector, its an android game, most annoying game i ever played.. :facepalm:


APK Fanatic Lv5️⃣
Member for 6 years
GTA San andreas
Mission name : Wrong side of tracks
Mission giver : Big smoke
Objective : Kill 4 Mexican Vatos Drug dealer while they on moving train.
Frustration Level : Superb!
Reason because u are going to F%$#@n ride a motocross on railroad while bigsmoke riding on back and you need to perfectly align on train so he can hit the vatos and whats more there are lots of obstacles and whats more the damn thing is super hard to control.
Big smoke : ALL YoU have to do is follow the train CJ!
that line of script is hunting me down for years man what a nightmare :(


Savage Lv6️⃣
Member for 5 years
To me, the hardest one (because I suck as pilot) was a mission in Grand Theft Auto San Andreas in which you, after moving to another location I can't remember the name of, had to pilot your plane thru some rings and do some acrobatics which I repedeatly failed at. I think that's the reason I got stuck in that game, and I was so close from the end :lol:

And no, there was no cheat to bypass that mission LOL


i remember when i was stuck doing that


Savage Lv6️⃣
Member for 6 years
Game - GTA: San Andreas
Mission - Air Raid
Mission Strand - Zero RC
The mission i could NEVER ever achieve was the Zero RC mission where you had to stop the transmitters getting blown up by the tiny RC Baron planes by his geeky friend Berkley.
To this day i still have never completed that with out just using the blow up vehicles cheats constantly, "We've lost another transmitter"


In Love Lv4️⃣
Member for 5 years
Every. Single. Blade&Soul quest.
I mean, the first story quests were ok, but mainly because of the cinematics whenever you completed them. Later on the game becomes almost 100% pointless grind.

I specifically remember this quest that consisted in going to the other faction's base and defeating a bunch of players and mobs. But the factions were unbalanced, and endgame was almost impossible for non P2W players, so you could never complete the quest. That meant, you were stuck in there forever...

I stopped playing two years ago or so, but I still enjoyed it while I did. No hard feelings.
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Apprentice Lv2️⃣
Member for 5 years
I know few such but I'll talk about 1.

Game-Counter strike condition zero
Mission -kill a terrorist with a knife

It's a old game.we used to play on lan.all guys in hostel in pc room or in cafe.

In hard difficulty you have to kill a terrorist with a knife.they have AK-47 or magnum sniper rifle and you have to finish them with is random.nothing happens no guess work

It makes me remember song line Bringing Knife in a Gun fight.

Only 1 time i was able to do it.then i lost other matches.