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APK Fanatic Lv5️⃣
Member for 2 years
Hi i need a help with Game Guardian.I perfectly dont know how to use that app. can anyone solve my problem?


Hardcore Lv9️⃣
Member for 6 years
Bit of a difficult question to answer because there is so much that can be done with Game Guardian. Very difficult to tell someone how to use all its features and to use it to its full ability.

The best advice I would give is to check out the GG forums and read lots of threads. Try things for yourself. Follow some threads where advice has been given on how to hack various things in that game and try them out. Over time you pick up new ways to do things.

If you are looking for how to just get the app working then you either need to have a rooted device or if you're not rooted then you need to use a virtual space app. Either way you need to download and install GG. Then if you're rooted you can just use it straight away. If you're using a virtual space app then you need that installed and setup and then add GG and any games you're trying to hack to that virtual space app.

I put a very basic tutorial video on my YouTube showing how to setup a virtual space app and how to run Lua Scripts in GG. I won't post a link here because I've no idea if it's allowed but I'm sure you can find it if you think it would be useful.

It's a great app to use and lots of fun.


Hardcore Lv9️⃣
Member for 4 years
If it's like a cheat engine you can use it to modify in game values like gold, health points etc, you need to launch game and select it in game guardian, then you modify gold value in game by example, type amount in gg then do a search til you find the exact value in hexadecimal format.


APK Fanatic Lv5️⃣
Member for 2 years
Bit of a difficult question to answer because there is so much that can be done with Game Guardian. Very difficult to tell someone how to use all its features and to use it to its full ability.

The best advice I would give is to check out the GG forums and read lots of threads. Try things for yourself. Follow some threads where advice has been given on how to hack various things in that game and try them out. Over time you pick up new ways to do things.

If you are looking for how to just get the app working then you either need to have a rooted device or if you're not rooted then you need to use a virtual space app. Either way you need to download and install GG. Then if you're rooted you can just use it straight away. If you're using a virtual space app then you need that installed and setup and then add GG and any games you're trying to hack to that virtual space app.

I put a very basic tutorial video on my YouTube showing how to setup a virtual space app and how to run Lua Scripts in GG. I won't post a link here because I've no idea if it's allowed but I'm sure you can find it if you think it would be useful.

It's a great app to use and lots of fun.
I think you can tell me the channel name in private or in conversation


Hardcore Lv9️⃣
Member for 6 years
I think you can tell me the channel name in private or in conversation
Sorry, I thought you could work that out. It's just "sammax71" 😂😂😂


Member for 3 years
it appears that the issue is solved, shall i mark this question as a solved one?


Member for 3 years
Sure, take your time


Master of The Force
Verified 18+ user
Member for 6 years
@RaptorBG Has your question been answered?


Master of The Force
Verified 18+ user
Member for 6 years
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