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Izza Chen

APK Fanatic Lv5️⃣
Member for 4 years
:eek::eek: I guess when one have all the desirable traits and it's just flawless 😮 The term is sharply subjective tho 😮

pRo nigHtFury

In Love Lv4️⃣
eBook Releaser
Member for 4 years
Perfection is a flawless state where everything is exactly right. perfection is a perfect condition where everything is 100% great, and that is the Ideal case. And it is impossible to achieve. In this matter my opinion is "If you go for perfection you will not achieve it until you strive only for progress".


⭐???? ?? ??????⭐
Verified 18+ user
Member for 4 years
Perfection is a flawless state where everything is exactly right. perfection is a perfect condition where everything is 100% great, and that is the Ideal case. And it is impossible to achieve. In this matter my opinion is "If you go for perfection you will not achieve it until you strive only for progress".
So in your opinion that is the definition of "perfect". But the question that arises here is that does your "definition" also applies on a person''s personality or does it only apply on materielistic things?

pRo nigHtFury

In Love Lv4️⃣
eBook Releaser
Member for 4 years
In my opinion "Perfection" applied on both Human Personality and materielistic things.But most applied on Human Behaviour and their way of living.


⭐???? ?? ??????⭐
Verified 18+ user
Member for 4 years
In my opinion "Perfection" applied on both Human Personality and materielistic things.But most applied on Human Behaviour and their way of living.
But does your current definition (which you stated above) also applies to humans or is it just for materialistic things?


Hardcore Lv9️⃣
Member for 2 years
Someone or something that reaches a state of flawlessness and cannot improve or be improved upon any further.