Pokemon Crystal Celebi Event Patch

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Apprentice Lv2️⃣
Member for 8 years
Nintendo was never released this event on the English version.Nintendo of Japan really screwed us over.We never even got a chance to receive this promotion.

It's Nintendo's official Celebi Event that is triggered when you enter, then exit Goldenrod's Pokemon Center for the first time. You will receive a GS Ball that you take over to Kurt in Azalea Town, just like the Japanese version of Crystal. You then take it to Ilex Forest, and place it in the forest shrine and... Celebi appears!

Patch it to a clean GBC ROM: Pokemon - Crystal Version (USA, Europe)(Rev A) or Pokemon - Crystal Version (v1.1)


Credit goes to: ShaneM (Aduel)

Use Lunar IPS Patch.....