💬 Review Pokemon Emerald

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Hans Bloodsmith

Hardcore Lv9️⃣
Member for 6 years
Name of the app you are reviewing: Pokemon Emerald

Link to the content you're reviewing on our site (optional): 🎮 MOD APK - Pokemon Mega Smaragd[GER] [MOD][Emulator GBA]

Pokémon Emerald Version is a role-playing video game developed by Game Freak, published by The Pokémon Company and Nintendo for the Game Boy Advance. It was first released in Japan in 2004, and was later released internationally in 2005.

So.... Let's talk about Pokemon!
Now where do we start? Right, Pokemon, I'm sure you all know the drill, a world filled with wonder, where ten years old send to a quest filled with adventure, journey and of course Pokemon, to train them to become the very best, like no one ever was.
Now, Polemon Emerald itself were the 9th instalment of the main series, if you didn't count the side game like Colosseum and Pokemon Snap, huh, when will we get another Pokemon Snap series.
Anyway, Pokemon Emerald itself were not an entirely new installment, rather it was a Re-hast, if you may, from the previous Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire, with some extra content.
Not first! Let's talk about the....game mechanics, it's Pokemon guys, the usual Rock-Paper-Scissor type of Rpg, with an Open world setting, for me it's, pretty interesting, if you are a fan of old rpg series like me. There of course some new one, like new moves, new items, new berries, Pokemon now have each unique abilities, new places an entire new postgame and of course, new Pokemon. Hold on, while we're here, can we talk about the map? Sure? Okay, so Hoenn region, where it's take place, hmm, i can only describe it is... I feel at home, really, it got that tropical island setting, you got your volcano, water, beach, rainforest, water, underwater and have i mentioned water? Cause there a lot of water in this game. No seriously, just ask their IGN review for ORAS.
As for Graphic... It was pretty darn good, definitely the improvements from the previous installment in Gold and Silver, i mean, full blown colour?! That's a huge thing at the time! Of course, it's still a GBA game, so don't expect a Nintendo Switch level of graphic, but overall, it's really good for it's platform.
Now.... Ehh, my personal experience? It's...well, it's the second Pokemon Game I've ever played, with the first being Ruby, and i love it. I still sometimes play it until this day and it's been a lot of fun, I even have an entire team named after each member here, and let just say, A.Coffee the Spinda is a fun mon to use. So yeah, it's definitely a nostalgia train for me.

Would you recommend this to other users? Yes, yes i would, of course, the game may have flaws here and there seems childish, heck, it is childish, but it's a lot of fun nonetheless.

Rating (1-5): ⭐⭐⭐⭐