NSFW/18+ eBook Possession by Jaimie Roberts

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eBook Description:
On my fourteenth birthday, I was promised to a very wealthy man... A domineering man. A powerful man. On that day, the first of two transactions were made with my very unloving parents.

I became his possession.
Something to own.
Something to keep.
An object intended only for his desire, his pleasure, and his ... indulgence.

Although promised to this man, I at least remained safe ... untouched ... pure. I was to be his and his alone.

On my eighteenth birthday, the second transaction took place.

I escaped...
But he came for me.
Now, I'm his. He owns my body and my soul.

And, as if all of that wasn't enough, he wants to own my heart too.

I’m trying to resist him—trying to fight that irresistible monster inside of him. But, as with everything else in my life, nothing is ever that easy.

Warning: Contains graphic scenes with sexual assault content. Please proceed with caution.

Additional info:

Author: Jaimie Roberts
Format: ePub
Category: Contemporary eBooks, Dark eBooks, Mystery eBooks, Romance eBooks