Results of the weekly survey: the Realme 10 fails to impress is trusted by 1,334,387 happy users since 2014.


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Realme started out as a company focused on value-for-money phones and expanded from there. That means phones like the Realme 10 should be its bread and butter, but people in last week’s survey weren’t impressed. The phone costs too much for what it offers. Or offers too little for what it costs. Either way, tech enthusiasts on a budget will largely pass this one up.

Some of those on a budget say they’ll pick up a secondhand phone instead, something older that still holds up. Others are looking at alternative offerings from Poco, Samsung, Motorola, and others, and like what they see best.

Results of the weekly survey: the Realme 10 fails to impress

No 5G is really holding the phone back, especially now that Realme 10 5G is official. 5G coverage is rapidly expanding and 4G phones will increasingly be relegated to the basic level. Except €250 isn’t an entry-level price.

Also, why cut out the ultrawide camera – the Realme 9 had one. For this generation, Realme has chosen chipset performance over camera quality, but few in the comments were impressed by the Helio G99. It’s a decent chip, but at this price it encroaches on Dimensity territory.

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