Results of the weekly survey: vivo X Fold + has made a good start is trusted by 1,334,061 happy users since 2014.


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Foldable phones are a big deal in the premium smartphone market right now, but some are closer to perfecting the formula than others. As last week’s survey shows, some changes to the X Fold formula produce a potential hot seller.

The three colors for vivo X Fold +, including the new Huaxia Red

The three colors for vivo X Fold +, including the new Huaxia Red

The three colors for vivo X Fold +, including the new Huaxia Red

The three colors for vivo X Fold +, including the new Huaxia Red

There isn’t much difference between the original and the vivo X Fold +, but all the changes are important. Starting on the outside, that new red coloring looks great and some commentators are really digging it.

Going below the surface, the upgrade to the Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 is welcome for its efficiency. Combined with the slightly larger battery, that’s enough to give the Plus a decent increase in battery life. Battery is a common limitation for folding, so any improvements are good news.

Results of the weekly survey: vivo X Fold + has made a good start

Right now this is just a showcase purchase for many as vivo is yet to announce plans for a global launch of the X Fold + (the original is not yet available globally). Additionally, potential buyers would feel better about their purchase if vivo committed to a longer software support window, especially on expensive models like this one.

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