Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 and Fold5 get record pre-orders in Korea is trusted by 1,332,971 happy users since 2014.


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Samsung recently introduced the Galaxy Z Flip5 and Galaxy Z Fold5 and opened pre-orders for the foldables on August 1 in South Korea. The campaign is going strong domestically with orders exceeding one million for the two devices, beating the previous record of 970,000 for 2022 devices.

Not surprisingly, the Galaxy Z Flip5 proved to be more popular than the Fold5, accounting for around 70% of the total 1.02 million units. This is an improvement for the clamshell because last year’s Galaxy Z Flip4 accounted for about 60%. Flip5 pre-orders have reached 714,000, while the Fold5 has gotten around 306,000 units with still days left before the end of the pre-order window.

Interestingly, consumers at home are less interested in the large foldable than its predecessor, as the Fold4 has gained 388,000 pre-orders. The rather tame upgrade combined with the Fold4’s solid durability means few existing users were tempted to upgrade even with Samsung’s hefty trade-in incentives.

Samsung announces record pre-orders for Galaxy Z Flip5, Fold5 in Korea

We can see why users have flocked to the Galaxy Z Flip5: it offers a larger coverage screen that’s far more usable than any of its predecessors, and it vastly improves the selfie-taking experience, as well as navigating when the device is closed.

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