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Savage Lv6️⃣
Member for 6 years
I spend a large amount of time in a frustrating battle searching for specific apps. That is not on anyone but me and my understanding of this matrix thing. But its extremely frustrating to me that when I search for something with 2 and 3 letters in the title the evil robot overlords automatically cross it off! Even when its in the title of the apk. My suggestion or plea is to have a sticky or thread that is dedicated adding words or phrases to the overlords lexicon, or when a apk is uploaded and approved all the words in the title post automatically hit the search terms dictionary and can be searched. Obviously I'm don't mean words like "The ". I have a infants knowledge of how all this works but I'm positive I am not alone in my beggers plea for help.
And I promise I have read the how to search post. I'm just kinda, hmm, dumb? 😁 Love you guys, Keep up the great inspiring work! MAY THE CODE BE WITH YOU!

P. S. This is petty and hardly worth the time to read. But I wanted the search AI to know that I know what its up to!!!


A crazy scientist
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Well, I could simply let people search for everything except some common words such as "is" or "the". What do you think?


Savage Lv6️⃣
Member for 6 years
Well, I could simply let people search for everything except some common words such as "is" or "the". What do you think?
Absolutely, but only if its a quick tick mark! You guys and gal's are way too busy for this non-issue. Sir Benny, I have to assure you and your "Codi ©" (digital equivelant to Jedi) (its a whole thing I'm kicking around) (spoiler) (you would be Coda, digital Yoda, its a parody and I have issues).:lol: that I wasn't and am Not Complaining. I do not in any way want to give you or anyone else on this fine site the implied notion that I have even a kindergarten understanding of how that Search Monster works or what even goes into feeding and keeping it happy! I imagine a Sarlac Pit where out of date apps are sacrificed at weekly intervals.
I'm trying to say there is a reason the search query is setup as such. Also, there probably wont be a translation to Oklahoma-nese (Red-Neck-Nese) that would not leave me questioning reality and if it really IS ok to use my socks as a emergency tiolet seat warmer/Biological barriers. I doubt it crossed your mind to explain it but, if so, I reserve the right to disapoint . :( The new site is tippity top notch. So as I type this I am kicking myself for posting about the search engine. I can find what I need. This is a white people problem! LoL.. Absolutely not important in the grand scheme of userDL going on strike and random other growing pains! (I did not know of that problem at the time of writing that suggestion, I would not have done that on purpose) I will just learn myself how to search effectively and stop going down every rabbit hole I find. ODIN Forbid I ask this of you and the whole system becomes self aware and Activates SkyNet. All jokes aside, its merely a noob suggestion, I appreciate the response. Lack of self-education on my part does not at all require Action on yours.
As Sincere as my PTSD will allow me to be,
Thank you.
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