💬 Review Severance by nobigdeal

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Name of the eBook you are reviewing: Severance

A book by Ling Ma, it follows Candace a New Yorker who is dealing with a pandemic. This book is a clever critique of the alienation of labor that Capitalism reinforces. Illustrated by the usage of using a disease as a metaphor for working.

There are many things that excite me about this book and very few things I can say that would make me raise a brow at what I was reading. The thing that made me want to read this book first was because of how It was recommended by someone that I really admired the opinion of. From then on it took around three months for me to properly sit down and read the entire thing. It was a good adventure that left me feeling a lot of emotions and made my brain move a mile a minute, something I feel a good book should always do. Some good points that I like about this book without giving it big spoilers was how the relationship the main character had with her mom and parents in the past was slowly revealed inter cut with the events happening in the present. I was quick to text my friends about the event that revealed why Candace was so down all the time and always seemed so sad about the way life was going, even pre everyone being dead, Candace had a lot of things that she had internalized from her parents that made me so sad to see revealed.

Would you recommend this to other users? Yes! If you like the themes and summary this book has.

Rating(1-5): ⭐⭐⭐⭐