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The Explorer of Sbenny
Member for 3 years
Skyrim was a great game. It was the game that got me into gaming, and after countless hours of the game, I still enjoy playing the game. But I have to be honest, the experience seems a bit bland. The quests are short and repetitive, the characters are boring and you can't have a deeper connection with them, and Nazeem.


Bond. Jack Bond.
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Member for 5 years
The best quests on Skyrim for me were the Lovecraftian ones. Those quests with Miraak, Hermaeus Mora, Sheogorath with the vision of the past and the Dwemer ruins were when the game really shined for me.


APK Fanatic Lv5️⃣
Member for 1 year
I am glad to see another Elder Scrolls fan in the forum! Even though Skyrim wasn’t my first it is definitely my favourite as I have spent hundreds of not a thousand hours invested in this amazing fantasy world Bethesda had blessed us with. Arena may have been my first and it is the game that made me fall in love with the genre but Skyrim holds a special place in my heart and I am happy to share this with another likeminded individual such as yourself.


Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 1 year
My introduction to TES was hilariously enough me playing Fallout 3, loving it ajd then moving on to New Vegas. Then, I heard that Bethesda were making another elder scrolls gamebyear later. At that point, I'd heard that oblivion was the best thing since sliced bread and Skyrim was going to be better.

So me? I pirated it on my old grungy ass laptop and played it on potato mode at 30fps for about a month and said "Well this is cool" before ditching it and playing FTL: Faster than light and NEO Scavenger. After beating those, I played the s**t out of Oblivion.

When I finally had a console I tried Skyrim legendary edition and immediately sank enough hours into it to lift my argonian dragonborn to level 250+ legitimately without any major exploits and basically checked off a majority of the game's content off my list. Years later I came back and did the same thing with my orc character. Unfortunately after getting him a few hundred levels up on a modded game where everything was made to be more difficult abd had a hundred RP mods, AE broke all my saves.

I haven't been playing Skyrim much since and I can tell you, I stopped playing it for the RPG aspect and instead play Skyrim as a fantasy life sim with a world full of idiots.


APK Fanatic Lv5️⃣
Member for 1 year
That is tippable. It is so hard to play Skyrim without using the many exploits in the game such as the one where you escape with Rolof and backstab him all the time to max out your one handed and stealth level haha. TES series are the best games and I still cherish them to this day.


In Love Lv4️⃣
Member for 2 years
The thing that attracted me to Skyrim was the fantasy based open world.
Whenever I start a new playthrough, I just wander off wherever I wish and get into weird & spooky situations.
One playthrough, I remember, I went to Falkreath directly and even bought the manor near Falkreath and was so busy with how to decorate the manor that I forgot what the main questline was and was almost playing it like Minecraft.

This fact that I can just play the game however I want and fantasy setting is why I still play Skyrim


APK Fanatic Lv5️⃣
Member for 1 year
The thing that attracted me to Skyrim was the fantasy based open world.
Whenever I start a new playthrough, I just wander off wherever I wish and get into weird & spooky situations.
One playthrough, I remember, I went to Falkreath directly and even bought the manor near Falkreath and was so busy with how to decorate the manor that I forgot what the main questline was and was almost playing it like Minecraft.

This fact that I can just play the game however I want and fantasy setting is why I still play Skyrim
I concur with that reasoning because, I too was distracted by the profuse depth of this fantasy world where no one held my hand and I was free to CHOOSE what to do. I have always done the Dark Brotherhood quest line, The Thieves Guild quest line etc, all before even making my way to Whiterun to speak to Jarl Balgruuf about the dragon attacks. I pretty much forgot about my entire quest and luckily the game wasn't time restricted because I am pretty sure the Dragon would of burned Whiterun to the ground by the time I even made an effort to do the main story line.


APK Fanatic Lv5️⃣
Member for 1 year
Morrowind is fire. However, I believe Arena or Daggerfall to be far superior in terms of depth if you can overlook the trash graphics. Still Morrowind is my favourite Elder Scrolls game of all time. Oblivion is probably a close second though for sure.


APK Fanatic Lv5️⃣
Member for 3 years
That's crazy cause that the game that got me into gaming too. One day my brother was like you should play Skyrim I think you would like it. this was on a PS3, PS4 wasn't out yet. I didn't like Xbox at the time because my whole family played on playstation. now I have a Xbox 1. Anyways I was like I don't think I would it sounds boring and not something I would like or play. I don't know why I said that I loved and still do love role playing, and rpg games. Anyways I got on it one day and haven't stopped playing it for like 6 years now. I love this game in fact i was just playing it a hour ago before I got on here lol.