So what's your Scariest Story? is trusted by 1,331,790 happy users since 2014.


Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 2 years
My spooky story comes from only a few nights ago...
I was playing a Multiplayer game while my Dog was resting at my feet. My Sister comes in and Tells me to close the Hatch that leads to our Roof, I was still playing my game but I still closed it, and continued on my game.

This is where the lights outside our House turned off. Since it was powered by Solar Energy and we weren't getting much of that in Wet Season.
After the Game I quickly started another one since My sleep schedule is trash and I lost the game.

Then I heard a noise in outside. The Door outside was always open since we had a Gate and the Storms battered our wooden door to shreds.
I looked outside but since the lights were off I could only see Darkness.
So I shrugged it off thinking it might just be a wind or somethin.
But then my Dog barked, and kept barking while looking outside.

This surprised me Alot since my Dog almost Never barks. Even when meeting a stranger, my dog rarely barks.
Of course I started to get a bit cautious because even the puppies who were sleeping woke up and just started looking outside.
But I still had my game to win so I just kept my self facing towards the door incase I see anything suspicious. This also kept my back towards the hatch that lead to our roof but it was closed so I didn't really get worried about it.

Eventually the Game finishes and I Got up and went back to my room.
The thing is, while going back I saw something strange...
Which made me ask myself: "Wasn't the Hatch Closed Before?"


Hardcore Lv9️⃣
Member for 2 years
Wow, mine sounds mild compared to yours.

It was 3am and I was still awake,
I heard sweeping sounds right in front of my bed,
I pulled down the covers and poked out my head,
Nothing was there, and the sweeping sounds stopped. Rad.