NSFW/18+ eBook Summer and Smoke (The Bullets #2) by Coralee June

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eBook Description:
Summer Bright is just a name on a tombstone. A whispered mystery on the long-forgotten Woodbury Lane. Her ghost teases me with fear and perfection. She knows I’m not strong enough to do what I should’ve done years ago.

The Bullets are united once more, bonded by their demand for blood. There’s a vulnerability in their friendship, though.

Gavriel craves control.
Blaise fears losing me.
Ryker fights his guilt.
Callum’s moral compass will get us killed.

Chesterbrook may be where the old me died, but it’s also where I learned that hell isn’t a place, it’s a person. And if we aren’t careful, our plan for revenge could go up in smoke.

Additional info:

Author: CoraLee June
Format: ePub
Category: Contemporary eBooks, Dark eBooks, Mystery eBooks, Romance eBooks, Suspense eBooks