💬 Review Sybil (1976)

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Name of the movie you are reviewing: Sybil (1976)

A legacy of child abuse comes to light as Dr Wilbur unlocks the secrets of Sybil's tortured past. It is based on the book of the same name, and was broadcast on NBC on November 14–15, 1976.

As the film starts, I was met by a frightening piano piece that started innocently enough and went into a malicious theme that went on for the entire film. It reminded me of Hannibal’s loud score that was both horror and a metaphor to a mentally ill’s inner turmoil. Watching this film was truly a testing experience, watching Sybil go through her demise for three hours, but Sally Field made it an interesting experience for me, watching her truly commendable acting.

I have watched Split, for I am a fan of James McAvoy’s work (he did an amazing job with what he was given) and I wish that the film (though it’s a genre film that was dramatized for the masses’ entertainment) have stayed a little closer to the truth. In that contrast, I appreciate that Sybil incorporated black-outs, an important factor to the disorder.

I had been scared to watch this film, already knowing that Sybil went into a horrific physical and sexual abuse as a child. Some things you really can’t stomach watching with your eyes. But I thought that I should at least try, considering the field that I am in. Many horrors all around me, not just in fiction.

The film started in a park and ended in a park. What I like with these films are happy ending, resolution, or at least as close to it as the characters can get. I only hope that Sybil had made peace with her past and had a fulfilling life full of healing.

[This is a review I made as a requirement for school. It is open to be recopied if you intend to do so for the same use, but I highly recommend just using it as a starting point or a draft and to modify it.]

Would you recommend this to other users? If you want to be informed about the disorder that is the Dissociative Identity Disorder, go watch this one though you have the have a tough stomach what with the sensitive content.

Rating(1-5): ⭐⭐⭐