NSFW/18+ eBook Tailspin by Jaimie Roberts

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eBook Description:
Devon Jackson is a smug, arrogant prick. He’s also CEO at Worldwide Airways, and I’m the lucky one who lands a job as his PA—a job I soon learn to regret taking.

I do absolutely everything for him, from organising his appointments to picking up condoms for him every Friday afternoon.

Why do I put up with it?

Because, despite it all, I am obsessed with him and have been since I was fifteen. He treats me like dirt, yet I still come back for more.

To him, I’m untouchable. And not only to him, but every other man on the planet. The fact he’s my brother’s best friend has seen to that. They’re both possessive jerks.

And I put up with it…for a while.

Once I put my foot down, the dynamic changes. And it is at that moment I find out how he really feels.

In fact, I find out so much more than I bargain for. Not only is Devon host to some serious demons, but he also holds a very big, dark secret. A secret that could destroy our relationship before it gets a chance to begin.

Additional info:

Author: Jaimie Roberts
Format: ePub
Category: Contemporary eBooks, Dark eBooks, Drama eBooks, Romance eBooks