Tamarind. Cultivation, properties and uses of this exotic fruit

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The tamarind (Tamarindus indicates) is a tree belonging to the family of Fabaceaesubfamily of Caesalapiniaceae. It is a plant native to Madagascar and Central-Eastern Africa, now widespread in all tropical regions of the world, where it is cultivated for the production of fruits. The pulp of tamarind is in fact rich in properties, and is also sought after in the West for its transformation into drinks and sauces.

In this article we understand which are the areas of origin and diffusion of the tamarind, the botany of the tree, the traditional cultivation techniques, the properties of the fruits and the typical uses of the plant.

Origin and diffusion of tamarind

The Tamarindus indicates it can be counted fully among the exotic species. It is in fact considered native and naturalized to African countries such as: Burkina Faso, Chad, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Guinea, Kenya, Madagascar, Mali, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe.
From these countries the tamarind has been progressively exported to the tropical areas of the world and is currently cultivated in: Australia, India, Bangladesh, Brazil, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Colombia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Indonesia , Iran, Jamaica, Laos, Malaysia, Mauritania, Mexico, Myanmar, Nepal, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Panama, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Sri Lanka, Thailand, United States of America (Florida), Vietnam.

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