💬 Review The Dhammapada (Pāli; Prakrit: धम्मपद Dhammapada; Sanskrit: धर्मपद Dharmapada)

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Trilly Reign

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Member for 6 years
Name of the eBook you are reviewing: The Dhammapada (Pāli; Prakrit: धम्मपद Dhammapada; Sanskrit: धर्मपद Dharmapada)

The Dhammapada is a collection of sayings of the Buddha in verse form and one of the most widely read and best known Buddhist scriptures. The original version of the Dhammapada is in the Khuddaka Nikaya, a division of the Pali Canon of Theravada Buddhism.

BEFORE I GO ON, please understand this book is NOT RELIGIOUS!!! Yes, you read that right. The Dhammapada is NOT RELIGIOUS in any way. Infact, Buddha, very prominently, voiced that deities do not exist in any way.
Alot of the confusion around Buddhism, or The Dhammapada being religious, is the confusion between Hinduism, and Buddhism. Hinduism has Gods, Spirits, etc., however, Buddhism, and The Dhammapada, do not.
It's important to understand this, has Buddha put reasoning, and experience, above all else.

The Dhammapada has brought me peace; in a very angry lifestyle. It's truly amazing to believe that Buddha passed away sometime 480 - 400 BCE. It is important to remember that these aren't technically his exact teachings, but a summary of what his core beliefs were from observers, and people who passed on his lessons over generations.
While keeping that in mind, I think it's still baffling that all of his lessons, and proverbs, are well beyond any comprehensive understanding that most of us have in modern day, of how the world truly works. Buddha's ideas, and thoughts, were so focused, you can almost feel the thoughts has you read them.

Each lesson has many uses, that can be applied to anyone's lifes. I truly believe that if everyone followed Buddhism, then War, Hunger, Poverty, and much of the worlds issues would solved. Now I understand; "that's a big claim". Yes it is, but has I said before, Buddha truly put reasoning, and experience, above all else. When you breath, walk, talk, and live this way, then you don't have a need for any hatred, or anger. You simply live for the experience.

Has Buddha said, "Let none find fault with others; let none see the omissions and commissions of others.
But let one see one’s own acts, done and undone."

Would you recommend this to other users? YES! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

Rating(1-5): ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐